Monday, September 7, 2009

Plunge Readings for September 13, 2009

September 13, 2009


BEGIN WITH PRAYER – “Holy Spirit, work in my heart today so that I will hear the Words God is speaking to me. But more than that work in me so those Words will penetrate my heart and transform my life. I pray this in Jesus Name. AMEN

Scripture readings for this week:
Old Testament: Jeremiah 11:18-20
Psalm: Psalm 145
Epistle: James 3:13-4:10
Gospel: Mark 9:30-37

In order to complete my DCE training, I had to take a series of online theology classes. Part of the requirements for these classes was to construct CRAFTED SENTENCES in which we took complex theological concepts and put them into itty bitty sentences that encompassed and incorporated whatever we were studying. It was not an easy task, especially for me who tends to talk and write way too much. As I was reading through this week’s Scriptures, remembering last week’s challenge to read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest God’s Word, I decided to construct a crafted sentence on what I sensed God was speaking to me from His Word. This is my crafted sentence from this week’s readings:

Jesus is my gentle lamb who put Himself last, was led to the slaughter for my sin, and who now in righteous judgment tests my heart and mind (Jeremiah 11:19a and 20a). He is my helper and the One who sustains me (Psalm 54:4). He gives me more Grace when I am humble than when I am proud (James 4:6), and if I want to be first in HIS eyes, I should desire to be last and serve others, as He did for me (Mark 9:35).

As you plunge into Scripture this week – I encourage you to read, write, learn, and inwardly digest God’s Word and then write your own crafted sentence I would love to hear how God has revealed Himself to you. If you are willing to share your sentence, please send me a message on facebook or email at

God’s bless your time with Him.

In HIS humble Service


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