Tuesday, June 23, 2009


June 28, 2009

“Getting to know you, Getting to feel free and easy, When I am with you, Getting to know what to say Haven't you noticed Suddenly I'm bright and breezy?
Because of all the beautiful and new, Things I'm learning about you - Day by day” (From Rogers and Hammerstein’s The King and I)

Getting to know you. We get to know people by talking, sharing and spending time together. The more time we spend sharing our thoughts, our dreams, our desires, and values the better we understand each other and the closer the relationship becomes. If that is true with sinful human beings think of how much more so it is with God. As I was reading through this week’s Scriptures, I pondered what each section was revealing about God, His nature, His thoughts about us, His desires, and His values – the more I read, the more God revealed. Listen to what I heard….

“Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness…For he does not willingly bring affliction or grief to the children of men”. Lamentations 3: 1, 2, 33

What does this Scripture tells us about the nature of God? He’s compassionate, faithful, and has great love for the children of men. I can almost feel His tears as He watches, in our sinfulness, the mess we make of our lives. But, because of God’s great love for the children of men, a love that led Jesus Christ to the cross, we can trust that God is faithful, His compassion for us is new every morning and we are forgiven, renewed, and washed clean by the blood of the Lamb.

“I will exalt you, O LORD, for you lifted me out of the depths AND did not let my enemies gloat over me. O LORD my God, I called to you for help AND you healed me. O LORD, you brought me up from the grave; (AND) you spared me from going down into the pit… O LORD, when you favored me, you made my mountain stand firm;” Psalm 30: 1-3,7

You know the old saying “actions speak louder than words.” Look at God’s actions- He rescues us, protects us from our enemies, heals us, saves us from eternal death, and spares us from the pit of hell. What does that say about Him? Only that we matter to Him, so much so that He willingly sacrificed His only Son, so we can be rescued. Why would we want to look anywhere else for our security, our value, and our purpose?

“I am not commanding you, but I want to test the sincerity of your love….For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich." 2 Corinthians 8:8-9

“I am not commanding you” Such simple little words but they speak volumes to what God desires from us. God doesn’t demand that we give to others; He doesn’t demand that we serve others, He doesn’t even demand that we obey Him. He simply says “you know the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ” now love others, serve others, and obey my commands. With the Sacrifice that Jesus made for us in plain sight – how could we NOT give to others, love others, and obey His commands?

“Daughter, your faith has healed you… Don't be afraid; just believe” Mark 5:34,36

Here again, seemingly simple words, but huge inferences about what God values – FAITH. When we put our total faith and trust in God and truly believe that He loves us, values us, and saves us (without any action on our part), God is pleased. Our faith honors God and in turn God’s honors our faith by making it stronger.

Ah, all the beautiful and new things I am learning about God in Christ through His word. Everything truly is bright and breezy when we spend time GETTING TO KNOW GOD – day by day!!

Father, thank you for all the marvelous ways that your show us Who you are, what you desire, and what you deem valuable. Spending time in Your Word Father is so much more than just reading written Words, it is sitting at Your feet, it is getting to know You, it is allowing You to build and deepen our understanding and our relationship with You. What an awesome privilege that is! Thank you Father

Week ending: June 28, 2009

Monday – (Old Testament)
Lamentations 3:22-33
This week, Read Lamentation 3:22-23 before you get out of bed every morning – does it affect how the rest of your day goes?

Tuesday – Psalm 124
What does God’s action say about His nature?

Wednesday –(Epistle)
2 Corinthians 8:81-9, 13-15
Jesus riches supplied our need for a Savior – in return, our riches in Christ, will prompt us to seek to supply the needs of others

Thursday – (Gospel)
Mark 5:21-43
Notice the interaction between Jesus and the women and Jairus. Jairus Pleads “come” and Jesus goes, the woman reaches, and Jesus seeks and heals.

Friday – Listen for all the beautiful and new things God is revealing about Himself to you

Saturday – SHARE what you see and hear from His Word
Sunday – Worship together with all the saints