Sunday, January 25, 2009


“A Mighty Fortress is our GOD – a sword and shield victorious” This familiar hymn is a powerful battle song for Christians everywhere and as Christian, we are in a battle and our enemies – the world, the devil and our own sinful flesh - are real “the old satanic foe has sworn to work his woe, with craft and dreadful might, he arms himself to fight – on earth he has no equal.” Satan is alive and working to bring us down BUT HAVE NO FEAR “now a Champion comes to fight whom God Himself elected.” This week, God reveals to us His Champion, His Prophet, who “hold’s the field victorious”

Deuteronomy shows the promised Prophet who will be sent to protect and speak to the Children of Israel (since they were fearful of speaking directly to God) (check out Exodus 20:18-20) and God even tells them how to distinguish between the true Prophet and false ones. Psalm 111 reveals the Prophet’s awesome attributes (glorious, majestic, righteousness that endures forever, gracious, compassionate, powerful, faithful, and just) and reminds us stand firm, “He remembers His covenant forever,” the Prophet will come. 1 Corinthians again show us how to recognize the true God from false ones - in and through the Prophet Christ Jesus: “yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live.” Finally, Mark points us to the promised Prophet: Jesus of Nazareth, the Holy One of God – our Champion and reveals His power over Satan and his evil henchmen.

Make no mistake – the battle is raging and we face powerful enemies. If we try to fight them alone we are doomed… “No strength of ours can match his might, we would be lost, rejected”. BUT WE NEED NOT FEAR, we have a champion who fought the battle for us and won…“But now A CHAMPION comes to fight, whom God Himself elected. You ask who this may be? THE LORD OF HOSTS IS HE, CHRIST JESUS MIGHTY LORD, God’s only Son adored. He holds the field victorious.” And when we stand firm in Christ Jesus - because He wins – we win!!!

2 Thessalonians 2:15
”So then, brothers (and sister), stand firm and hold to the teachings we passed on to you.”

“God’s Word forever shall abide, no thanks to foes, who fear it; For GOD HIMSELF fights by our side with weapons of the Spirit. Were they to take our house, goods, honor, child, or spouse, though life be wrenched away. THEY CANNOT WIN THE DAY. THE KINGDOM’S OUR FOREVER.”

Prayer: “Thank you Father for showing us Your Son, our Savior. AMEN

Church Season – 4th Sunday in Epiphany
Week ending: FEBRUARY 1, 2009

Monday – (Old Testament)
Deuteronomy 18:15-20. “I will send a Prophet – YOU MUST LISTEN TO HIM”

Tuesday – Psalm 111 PRAISE THE LORD for His faithfulness, compassion, and mercy. Repent, rest, and be in awe of His love for you.

Wednesday –(Epistle)
1 Corinthians 8:1-13 - As believers in Jesus, we are free - be careful how you exercise that freedom!!!

Thursday – (Gospel)
Mark 1:21-28 – see how the demons tremble at the sound of Jesus Name

Friday – Luke 9:35
A voice came from the cloud, saying, "This is my Son, whom I have chosen; listen to him."

Saturday – Share how you trust God in Christ when hopes and dreams fail?

Sunday – As you worship – be awed by the undeserved Grace God gives us through His Son – The Promised Prophet Jesus Christ

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