Thursday, January 8, 2009

January - 4th - January 11th; THE BAPTISM OF OUR LORD

MONDAY: Genesis 1:1-5 (Notice how God's powerful Word brought light to a dark world)
TUESDAY: Psalm 29 (Notice the attributes the psalmist gives to the VOICE OF THE LORD)
WEDNESDAY: Romans 6:1-11 (Notice how the Voice of God creates new life in us through out baptism)
THURSDAY: Mark 1:4-11 (notice the words of affirmation the Voice of God speaks to His Son)
FRIDAY: (Reflect on the faith and life you have received in Christ through baptism)
SATURDAY: (God says: "You are my beloved son/daughter, in you I am well pleased)
SUNDAY: Worship our Lord and Savior and rejoice in the new life we have in Christ Jesus<

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